Upcoming EYTU events

Bear Spray Giveaway & Training | Lander

Bear Spray Giveaway & Training | Lander

Approximately 100 cans of bear spray will be given away on a first come, first served basis at each location. 


Participants will receive a free can of bear spray after practicing with inert bear spray on “robo bear”, a remote-controlled mock charging bear that simulates a sudden encounter situation. Game and Fish and Forest Service biologists will also be available to discuss bear ecology and conservation, and promote 'Bear Wise' proactive behavior to reduce conflict potential. 

 “These partnership events provide a great opportunity for people to practice and become more proficient with bear spray and to promote safety as many folks prepare for the fall hunting season,” said Bear Wise Wyoming Coordinator Mark Aughton. “We hope this effort continues to raise awareness and remind those recreating in bear country to be prepared.” 


For more information, please contact Mark Aughton at 307-527-7125.

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Bear Spray Giveaway & Training | Cody

Bear Spray Giveaway & Training | Cody

Approximately 100 cans of bear spray will be given away on a first come, first served basis at each location. 


Participants will receive a free can of bear spray after practicing with inert bear spray on “robo bear”, a remote-controlled mock charging bear that simulates a sudden encounter situation. Game and Fish and Forest Service biologists will also be available to discuss bear ecology and conservation, and promote 'Bear Wise' proactive behavior to reduce conflict potential. 

 “These partnership events provide a great opportunity for people to practice and become more proficient with bear spray and to promote safety as many folks prepare for the fall hunting season,” said Bear Wise Wyoming Coordinator Mark Aughton. “We hope this effort continues to raise awareness and remind those recreating in bear country to be prepared.” 


For more information, please contact Mark Aughton at 307-527-7125.

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Fishing Alaska

Fishing Alaska

Guest Speaker: Larry Timchak, EYTU Chapter President

Larry will provide give us a presentation on his experiences fishing in Alaska and how you can do so as well.

Chapter Meeting: 6:30 PM; Presentation at 7 PM

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Big Horn Basin Fly Fishing Fair

Big Horn Basin Fly Fishing Fair

Come and learn all the basics of fly fishing. We will have 7 stations to help guide you on your fly fishing journey.

Station 1: Tie a fly

Station 2: Master a knot

Station 3: Cast a fly

Station 4: ID Aquatic insects

Station 5: Learn to read water

Station 6: Learn how to rig a rod

Station 7: Learn about the Bighorn Basin fish rescue program.

We will have some door prizes including an ORVIS Fly Fishing Starter Kit.

Free Trout Unlimited membership to all women in attendance to celebrate Mothers Day!

Also, sign up for the WY HUNT FISH “First on a Fly” mentorship.

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Fisheries Management in Yellowstone National Park

Fisheries Management in Yellowstone National Park

Guest Speaker: Todd Koel, Leader of Native Fish Conservation Program, YNP

Dr. Koel will provide an update on fisheries management and conservation within the Park including Yellowstone Cutthroat restoration efforts, new regulations for the Gardner and Madison Rivers, aquatic invasive species management, and other current issues.

Chapter Meeting: 6:30 PM; Presentation at 7 PM

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Kids Fishing Day @ Beck Lake Park Cody

Kids Fishing Day @ Beck Lake Park Cody

Kid’s Fishing Day for kids 14 and under!

Fishing Derby, Fish Stocking, 3 best fish prizes for each species, catch a tagged fish and win a Lifetime Conservation Stamp. Free lunch, free tackle, and FREE Fishing Poles to the first 350 kids to register

Registration 8:00am - 9:00am

Fishing derby 9:00am – Noon

Fish Stocking at 10:30

Lunch - Noon

Big fish awards - 1:00pm

Grand prize drawing - a 2-Person Inflatable Kayak

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The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will host a public meeting Jan. 8 to discuss   the results of a recent angler preference survey and a proposed change to fishing regulations on the North Fork of the Shoshone River and Buffalo Bill Reservoir west of Cody. 

The public is invited to attend the meeting from 6-8 p.m. at the Cody Regional Game and Fish office Jan. 8. The results of a four-year tagging study will also be presented.

Currently, the North Fork of the Shoshone River drainage from Newton Creek downstream to Gibbs Bridge is closed to fishing from April 1 through June 30. The creel limit on trout in the North Fork and Buffalo Bill Reservoir in Park County is three per day, or in possession. No more than two shall be cutthroat trout, and no more than one trout shall exceed 18 inches. 

The proposed change to this regulation is a seasonal closure from April 15 through June 30 from Newton Creek to Gibbs Bridge, and a creel limit on trout for the river and reservoir of six per day, or in possession. No more than two shall be rainbow, rainbow/cutthroat hybrid or cutthroat trout.

“The proposed regulation change would offer 14 days of additional fishing opportunity in the lower portion of the North Fork of the Shoshone River in the spring,” said Sam Hochhalter, Cody regional fisheries supervisor. “In addition, the bag limit change will simplify the regulations for harvest-oriented anglers and help reduce catch-and-release mortality associated with the previous ‘only one over 18 inches’ regulation.”

“This meeting is an opportunity for anglers to hear from biologists on the biological and social data that motivated the proposed changes,” Hochhalter said. “It’s also a great opportunity for anglers to ask any questions they may have on the management of trout in the North Fork and Buffalo Bill Reservoir.”  

Fishing regulations will be open for proposed changes this winter with any changes adopted by the Game and Fish commission going into effect January 1, 2026.  The public will have the opportunity to comment on proposed changes in March and April 2025.

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Christmas Social & Pot Luck

Christmas Social & Pot Luck


Social & Pot Luck

EYTU will provide sliced beef brisket and pulled pork from Fat Racks. Please bring a potluck dish to share. BYOB.

We will be having a gift exchange (please limit gift value to $25), door prizes and fun for all!

If you have any lightly used or new fly-fishing gear you no longer use, please consider donating items to our silent auction. Any donations can be dropped off at North Fork Anglers in advance of the party.

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Fish Rescue Sunday

Fish Rescue Sunday

Anticipate netting at Garland Canal on Sunday.

The East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited is gearing up for the annual fish rescue from local irrigation canals. With canals shutting down around October 15, volunteers are needed to help with netting and transferring the fish in buckets to an aeration tank. At the end of each day, the trout are released into their home river.

The task can be arduous climbing in and out of the ditches and carrying heavy buckets. Waders are recommended but not required as some volunteers can remain on the bank. The work typically begins at 8:00 in the morning and is usually completed by 4 PM. Morning snacks and lunch are provided to volunteers.

Volunteers meet at Rocky Mountain Sports prior to heading to the canals at 8 AM. Will Leave by 8:30AM.

'We could not complete this annual fall ritual without the help of volunteers" stated chapter President Larry Timchak.

Fish will be rescued from the Cody, Garland and Willwood canals with an estimated start date of October 18. Dates and times may vary depending upon actual conditions. Last year nearly 2,000 trout and whitefish were rescued and returned to the river.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ted Richmond at 913-485-8556 or Dave Sweet at 307-899-9959.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed parental release.

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Fish Rescue Saturday

Fish Rescue Saturday

Anticipate netting at Garland Canal on Saturday.

The East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited is gearing up for the annual fish rescue from local irrigation canals. With canals shutting down around October 15, volunteers are needed to help with netting and transferring the fish in buckets to an aeration tank. At the end of each day, the trout are released into their home river.

The task can be arduous climbing in and out of the ditches and carrying heavy buckets. Waders are recommended but not required as some volunteers can remain on the bank. The work typically begins at 8:00 in the morning and is usually completed by 4 PM. Morning snacks and lunch are provided to volunteers.

Volunteers meet at Rocky Mountain Sports prior to heading to the canals at 8 AM. Will Leave by 8:30AM.

'We could not complete this annual fall ritual without the help of volunteers" stated chapter President Larry Timchak.

Fish will be rescued from the Cody, Garland and Willwood canals with an estimated start date of October 18. Dates and times may vary depending upon actual conditions. Last year nearly 2,000 trout and whitefish were rescued and returned to the river.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ted Richmond at 913-485-8556 or Dave Sweet at 307-899-9959.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed parental release.

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Fish Rescue Friday

Fish Rescue Friday

Anticipate netting at Garland Canal on Friday.

The East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited is gearing up for the annual fish rescue from local irrigation canals. With canals shutting down around October 15, volunteers are needed to help with netting and transferring the fish in buckets to an aeration tank. At the end of each day, the trout are released into their home river.

The task can be arduous climbing in and out of the ditches and carrying heavy buckets. Waders are recommended but not required as some volunteers can remain on the bank. The work typically begins at 8:00 in the morning and is usually completed by 4 PM. Morning snacks and lunch are provided to volunteers.

Volunteers meet at Rocky Mountain Sports prior to heading to the canals at 8 AM. Will Leave by 8:30AM.

'We could not complete this annual fall ritual without the help of volunteers" stated chapter President Larry Timchak.

Fish will be rescued from the Cody, Garland and Willwood canals with an estimated start date of October 18. Dates and times may vary depending upon actual conditions. Last year nearly 2,000 trout and whitefish were rescued and returned to the river.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ted Richmond at 913-485-8556 or Dave Sweet at 307-899-9959.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed parental release.

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Fish Rescue Thursday

Fish Rescue Thursday

Anticipate netting at Willwood Canal on Thursday.

The East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited is gearing up for the annual fish rescue from local irrigation canals. With canals shutting down around October 15, volunteers are needed to help with netting and transferring the fish in buckets to an aeration tank. At the end of each day, the trout are released into their home river.

The task can be arduous climbing in and out of the ditches and carrying heavy buckets. Waders are recommended but not required as some volunteers can remain on the bank. The work typically begins at 8:00 in the morning and is usually completed by 4 PM. Morning snacks and lunch are provided to volunteers.

Volunteers meet at Rocky Mountain Sports prior to heading to the canals at 8 AM. Will Leave by 8:30AM.

'We could not complete this annual fall ritual without the help of volunteers" stated chapter President Larry Timchak.

Fish will be rescued from the Cody, Garland and Willwood canals with an estimated start date of October 18. Dates and times may vary depending upon actual conditions. Last year nearly 2,000 trout and whitefish were rescued and returned to the river.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ted Richmond at 913-485-8556 or Dave Sweet at 307-899-9959.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed parental release.

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Fish Rescue Wednesday

Fish Rescue Wednesday

Anticipate netting at Willwood Canal on Wednesday.

The East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited is gearing up for the annual fish rescue from local irrigation canals. With canals shutting down around October 15, volunteers are needed to help with netting and transferring the fish in buckets to an aeration tank. At the end of each day, the trout are released into their home river.

The task can be arduous climbing in and out of the ditches and carrying heavy buckets. Waders are recommended but not required as some volunteers can remain on the bank. The work typically begins at 8:00 in the morning and is usually completed by 4 PM. Morning snacks and lunch are provided to volunteers.

Volunteers meet at Rocky Mountain Sports prior to heading to the canals at 8 AM. Will Leave by 8:30AM.

'We could not complete this annual fall ritual without the help of volunteers" stated chapter President Larry Timchak.

Fish will be rescued from the Cody, Garland and Willwood canals with an estimated start date of October 18. Dates and times may vary depending upon actual conditions. Last year nearly 2,000 trout and whitefish were rescued and returned to the river.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ted Richmond at 913-485-8556 or Dave Sweet at 307-899-9959.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed parental release.

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Winter Flows on the Lower Shoshone River

Winter Flows on the Lower Shoshone River

Liz Cresto, BOR Water Scheduler for Buffalo Bill and Boysen dams will present at our October 8th meeting. Timely as we will learn about winter flows on the lower Shoshone.

General meeting will start a 6:00 PM with Speakers scheduled to start at 7:00 PM.

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Fisheries of the Bighorns

Fisheries of the Bighorns

Joe Skorupski from WY Game & Fish will provide an overview of the fisheries on the west side of the Bighorns.

General meeting will start a 6:00 PM with Speakers scheduled to start at 7:00 PM.

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Bear Spray Giveaway & Training

Bear Spray Giveaway & Training

Approximately 100 cans of bear spray will be given away on a first come, first served basis at each location. 


Participants will receive a free can of bear spray after practicing with inert bear spray on “robo bear”, a remote-controlled mock charging bear that simulates a sudden encounter situation. Game and Fish and Forest Service biologists will also be available to discuss bear ecology and conservation, and promote 'Bear Wise' proactive behavior to reduce conflict potential. 

 “These partnership events provide a great opportunity for people to practice and become more proficient with bear spray and to promote safety as many folks prepare for the fall hunting season,” said Bear Wise Wyoming Coordinator Mark Aughton. “We hope this effort continues to raise awareness and remind those recreating in bear country to be prepared.” 


For more information, please contact Mark Aughton or Luke Ellsbury at 307-527-7125.

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Annual EYTU Summer Picnic

Annual EYTU Summer Picnic

Our annual summer picnic is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9 at the Horse Creek group picnic site up the North Fork.

The chapter provides an entrée, typically fried chicken and pulled pork while attendees bring a potluck dish.

The fun starts at 5 PM! Plan to arrive early for a little fishing.

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Kids Fishing Day @ Beck Lake Park Cody

Kids Fishing Day @ Beck Lake Park Cody

Kid’s Fishing Day for kids 14 and under!

Fishing Derby, Fish Stocking, 3 best fish prizes for each species, catch a tagged fish and win a Lifetime Conservation Stamp. Free lunch, free tackle, and FREE Fishing Poles to the first 350 kids to register

Registration 8:00am - 9:00am

Fishing derby 9:00am – Noon

Fish Stocking at 10:30

Lunch - Noon

Big fish awards - 1:00pm

Grand prize drawing - a 2-Person Inflatable Kayak

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Big Horn Basin Fly Fishing Fair

Big Horn Basin Fly Fishing Fair

Come and learn all the basics of fly fishing. We will have 7 stations to help guide you on your fly fishing journey.

Station 1: Tie a fly

Station 2: Master a knot

Station 3: Cast a fly

Station 4: ID Aquatic insects

Station 5: Learn to read water

Station 6: Learn how to rig a rod

Station 7: Learn about the Bighorn Basin fish rescue program.

We will have some door prizes including an ORVIS Fly Fishing Starter Kit.

Free Trout Unlimited membership to all women in attendance to celebrate Mothers Day!

Also, sign up for the WY HUNT FISH “First on a Fly” mentorship.

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